First and foremost, Mt Kenya is incredibly majestic and the terrain is definitely pretty rugged.

If you are not prepared both mentally and physically, it may eat you alive.

Mt Kenya is incredibly big and the whole exercise is pretty hard work.

You will almost certainly be cold many a time. You may get soaking wet from rain, snow and sleet.

At higher altitudes of +4000m, you will have to give your body ample time to get acclimated to the new altitude.

This may result to a mild headache which disappears after a few minutes. Some of the members of the climbing party may feel nauseated or feel weak. Trekking the mountain will make you discover muscles you didn’t know you even had!

But all this should not give you any reason to worry as this is quite normal in the history of Mountain Climbing.

Yes, the Mountain has a knack for pushing your soul, body and mind to the limit, but that’s what makes it so challenging and memorable. Furthermore, you will be provided with all the equipment and a climbing party eager to give you their all with vast experience in all the necessary fields be it medical, terrain awareness, cooking, handling collision with wildlife, tent pitching and any mountain related issues that may arise.

You will find yourself lost of words by the magnitude, sheer beauty and the respect the mountain boasts. Having climbed this Mountain for 18 Years, I still cannot get enough of it, every time feeling like it’s the first time. Be prepared and Mt Kenya will give you an experience you will never forget.



(Interested in climbing Mt Kenya? Check out our Itineraries)

Author. Joseph Muriithi


  1. I came to Nanyuki with Paul 5 years ago to climb mount Kenya, in 2012. After all this time I still remember what a vivid experience I had on the mountain. Yes, the climb was very tough and demanded everything from me physically, mentally and spiritually- but when we got to point Lenana and watched the sun rise over the horizon of clouds- that is something I can never forget. The whole journey up the mountain was stunning and we met so many great people along the way. I can’t reccommend Paul highly enough, and he made me feel completely at home all the way to the top. Thanks for sharing with me your mountain Paul!

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